Guide to Changing Your Career and Advancing Learning

Not many people can say they have their dream job. You may start a career path and one day wonder, “Is there something better out there for me?” According to Apollo Technical, 70% of people are actively looking to change their job field and only 14% of folks believe they have a great job. It can be scary to make a huge life change but it is possible. We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips so that you can get the job of your dreams.

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

One of the best places to start is continuing your education. Take classes or even get a degree through a university or trade school. Sofia University is a fantastic option for those in the Palo Alto or Costa Mesa areas to learn and develop new skills. Sofia University offers numerous certificate and degree programs for those looking to level up their education or pivot in their career. Be sure to check out their cybersecurity graduate certification program, AI graduate certification program, and their affordable 2-year MBA program. In addition, Sofia’s business administration program has been approved for a DBA degree in which enrollment will begin this year. The university understands that people are working and have lives so the tuition at Sofia is affordable and class schedules are catered to folks with a 9 to 5 career.

Reading books geared towards advancing your career is another good option. A classic like “What Color Is My Parachute” by Richard N. Bolles is meant to inspire those looking for their path in life. The book is from the 1970’s but has been updated to in the newest edition to reflect the current job market, obstacles and economy.

For books on career change advice, look no further than “The Pathfinder: How To Choose Or Change Your Career For A Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success” by Nicholas Lore. This book encourages the reader to look inward and understand what kind of person they are. With more than 100 individual tests, the reader is sure to see themselves from a personal perspective as well as their work persona. This allows the reader to pursue the career shift that makes the most sense.

If you already have a dream job in mind, consider setting up an informational interview with someone who has the job you want. Utilize social media tools like LinkedIn and local networking events to connect with people you can emulate or who can help you on your journey to your dream job. Don’t be scared to throw out a lunch invite to someone in your desired field. You never know where it could lead.

(Photo by Edward Smith/Getty Images)

Podcasts are a great business resource. Look for podcasts related to your desired field. With it being an audio medium, you can actively learn while doing other activities like working, driving, walking and even falling asleep. If you are looking to advance your career, we would recommend listening to the “Your Next Move” podcast hosted by Kimberly Brown. The listener will learn how to build a robust career strategy with realistic timelines. Sofia University has a podcast that we would recommend called “Pathways To The Heart” which aims to advance human potential.

With these tools you’ll be ready to take the necessary steps to improve your work situation or pivot to a career more in line with your life goals. So get out there and start learning today!

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